Select Star vs CastorDoc
Select Star provides you with the accuracy and scale you need for your AI-driven workflows.
Popularity Analysis
For all integrations, based on 90 days of history
For limited integrations, based on 30 days of history
Column-Level Lineage
Available for all integrations
Limited to selected integrations
Entity-Relationship Diagrams
Automated based on query logs and PK/FKs
dbt Impact Analysis
In-app + Github CI integration
In-app only
Snowflake Cost Analysis
Transparent & flexible pricing
View Pricing
Priced per customer, according to what you’re willing to pay
The Select Star Difference
Quick time to insights
Complete metadata activation within 24 hours
Best-in-class data lineage
End-to-end, complete, and accurate data lineage that scales
Metadata activation
Analyzed metadata available for users, applications, and GenAI to use
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Turn your metadata into real insights