Select Star for Snowflake


Snowflake and Select Star provide a powerful solution for automated data discovery in your Data Cloud. Select Star integrates with your Snowflake metadata to uncover deep contextual insights in your data relationships, helping you democratize data across different domain teams and functions.

Snowflake Integration Features

Snowflake Lineage

Select Star provides automated, column-level lineage for all your data in Snowflake. You can explore upstream and downstream dependencies to better understand the impact of making changes to your data, all the way down to your dashboards and reports.

Popularity and Usage Analytics

Popularity and usage metrics help users sift through the noise in large-scale Data Cloud environments. See which tables and columns are the most accessed, queried, and joined to provide better context to your data navigation. Understand when tables were last viewed and changed as well as define data owners and tags.

Entity Relationship Diagrams

Entity-relationship diagrams provide a blueprint of how your data models look like, including the join keys between the tables. Even without pre-existing primary/foreign key definitions. Select Star infers join conditions directly from your past query history, providing clear visibility of your data models and relationships.

Select Star for Snowflake includes:

Snowflake Object Tag Sync
Automated PII Detection
Auto-generated Data Documentation
Fine-grained Access Control

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Select Star and dbt provide a powerful joint solution for data integration and data discovery. Users can easily share their dbt docs accompanied with Select Star’s auto-generated data context. Select star also allows you to trace data provenance and guide proper data usage, including setting owners, tags, and rich-text docs and metrics.
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Select Star gives Sisense users the ability to quickly and reliably navigate to the most trusted and curated data sources, enabling better self-service for analytic teams. Select Star reduces the back-and-forth between analysts and engineers while increasing the data literacy of the entire organization. The platform provides full column-level data lineage from your source views down to your dashboards and charts.
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Select Star gives PowerBI users the ability to quickly and reliably navigate to the most trusted and curated data sources, enabling better self-service for analytic teams. Select Star reduces the back-and-forth between analysts and engineers while increasing the data literacy of the entire organization. The platform provides full column-level data lineage from your source views down to your datasets, reports, and dashboards.
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